Sustainability Isn’t Just For Specialty Anymore: Coffee’s Future

Coffee Mugs

Ever wonder why big coffee chains are suddenly going green?

It’s not just a PR stunt.

It’s a game-changer.

And here’s why:

McDonald’s Makes a Bold Move

McDonald’s just dropped a bombshell.

They’re pledging to change how they source ALL their coffee by 2020.

But why?


Consumers demand it.

Let’s dive in.

The Sustainability Revolution

Here’s the deal:

McDonald’s is partnering with Conservation International.

Their goal?

Make coffee the first entirely sustainable agricultural product.

Pretty ambitious, right?

But here’s the kicker:

They’re not alone.

Millennials Drive the Change

Check out these stats:

  • 45% of Millennials think more positively of businesses selling sustainable products
  • 25% would go “out of their way” to get them

Source: S&D Coffee & Tea research

But it gets better:

They’re willing to pay more for it.

What Consumers Really Want

According to the 2016 NCA National Coffee Drinking Trends (NCDT) report:

Consumers are motivated by coffee sourced from “farms that treat workers well”.

Think about that.

People care about where their coffee comes from.

The Opportunity Gap

Here’s something interesting:

28% of coffee drinkers don’t know if their coffee is sustainably grown.

What does this mean for you?

It’s a massive opportunity.

You can:

  • Educate your customers
  • Engage with them
  • Stand out from the competition

The Bottom Line

Sustainability isn’t just for specialty coffee anymore.

It’s becoming the new normal.

And here’s the truth:

If you’re not on board, you’re falling behind.

So, what’s your move?

Are you ready to join the sustainability revolution?

Now, I’m curious:

How do YOU feel about sustainable coffee?

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