How to Quit Your Starbucks Job

resignation letter meme

Starbucks has a reputation for being a good employer, but you may want or need to quit working at the coffee mega-chain for dozens of reasons.

As you are likely already aware, it’s generally a good idea to leave your job on good terms if you need to ask for a reference or want to have the option of getting the job back in the future. 

To quit working at Starbucks, employees should talk to their store manager and put in their two weeks’ notice. Employees can then give their manager a letter of resignation in person on the last day of work. They should also make sure to get copies of the final week’s pay stubs to ensure full payment. 

When I left my job as a server at Olive Garden, my managers bought the whole staff a cake with my name on it! So at the very least, I recommend leaving your two weeks notice for the possibility of a planned cake surprise. 

How to Quit Working at Starbucks 

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Even though you don’t have an official form to fill out or a definitive guide on how to quit your job at Starbucks, you will still want to follow a professional method and give your supervisor at least two weeks’ notice before your last day.

The best way to do this is to talk with the store manager and give them a letter of resignation that clearly outlines your last day. Giving them a letter will help them remember that you are resigning and give them a chance to plan for your last day.

Be aware that your store manager may ask you why you want to leave, but you’re under no obligation to give them an answer. Once you finish here, all you have to do is work until your notice period ends.

It’s unclear if you immediately need to bring in your aprons and turn them in, but unless the manager specifically asks for them back, you can keep them and return them on your last day. 

quitting my job meme

Letter of Resignation Contents

As you get ready to leave your current position at Starbucks, whether it’s a barista or management, it’s essential you convey an attitude of friendliness and professionalism through your resignation letter.

Your Name and Contact Information:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • City, state, and zip code
  • Phone number
  • Email address


  • Include the date you are submitting the letter.

Recipient’s Information:

  • Supervisor’s or manager’s name
  • Their job title
  • Company name
  • Company address
  • City, state, and zip code


  • Use a formal greeting such as “Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]”

Opening Paragraph:

    • State your intention to resign clearly
    • Include the position you are resigning from
    • Mention the effective date of your resignation
        • Example: I’m formally submitting my resignation from XYZ position at Starbucks. Effective (last day on shift), I will no longer hold this position within the company.

Middle Paragraph(s):

    • Express gratitude for the opportunity to work with the company and your colleagues.
    • If applicable, highlight any positive experiences or accomplishments you had with the company.
    • You may briefly mention the reason for your resignation, but it is not required, and you should keep it professional.
        • Example: I’m grateful for the chance to work with this fantastic organization and such talented individuals. I had several memorable encounters that led to significant successes that impacted me and this establishment. If required, I can briefly explain why I resigned, but we should avoid sharing too much personal information that might hinder our working relationship moving forward.  

Offer to Assist with the Transition Period:

    • Propose to help with training a replacement or transitioning your responsibilities to other team members, if appropriate.
        • Example: I’m willing to help train my replacement. Alternatively, if it makes more sense, I can work with team members to effectively transition my roles.

Closing Paragraph:

    • Express your hope for the company’s continued success.
    • Offer your best wishes to your colleagues and the organization.
        • Example: I am confident in the company’s success. I’ve enjoyed working with such a great team and wish you and this great business the best.

Complimentary Close and Signature:

  • Use a formal closing such as “Sincerely” or “Respectfully.”
  • Leave a few spaces for your handwritten signature (if submitting a printed copy), followed by your typed full name.

Remember to proofread your letter for errors and maintain a professional and respectful tone. Of course, you also want to keep a copy for your records. 

Remember, none of the above is required. However, it will allow the store time to replace your role and help keep favor with your managers which may be useful in the future if you need an employer reference (which most jobs and apartment rental applications require) or you want to return to working at the store. 

How to Quit Starbucks With a 2 Weeks Notice

If you want to quit Starbucks by giving them a two-week notice, you’ll start by creating a resignation letter that we outlined in the previous section.

Once you have your letter, ask your store supervisor or direct manager if you can schedule a time to have a chat to discuss the resignation in person. Again, you must keep your communication open and stay professional throughout this process. 

When you get to the meeting, express how glad you were for your experience working for Starbucks and share your positive experiences, like working with certain people or interacting with regular customers. Then, explain your decision to quit and give your manager your resignation letter. 

During this conversation, you may want to offer to help train whichever teammate will act as your replacement or reassign your duties to other team members during the two-week notice period. Your willingness to help in this process can demonstrate professionalism and goodwill your manager. 

Continue Working

When you leave the meeting and come to work during your last two weeks, keep your attitude positive and perform all your assigned tasks and duties as well as you can. Doing so can help create a positive impression on your coworkers and management to help ensure you leave on good terms. 

On your last few days, start organizing your work area and return any items Starbucks owns, like uniforms or keys, before your last shift. Ensure you finish your projects or tasks or hand them off to whichever colleague will take over. 

Leave on a Positive Note

During this period, talk to your coworkers and thank them for their support and friendship. If you feel comfortable with it and they don’t already have it, leave your contact information so you can stay in touch. On your last day, you’ll again thank your manager and coworkers and wish them well. 

How to Quit Starbucks Without a 2 Weeks Notice

Be aware that quitting Starbucks, or any job, without a two-week notice might affect your connection with your boss and coworkers. However, if you cannot provide a two-week notice for whatever reason, take these steps:

Write Your Letter of Resignation

Like with a standard two-week resignation, you want to create a courteous and professional resignation letter for this circumstance. In the letter, you’ll explain why you can’t provide the standard two-week notice and specify your last day of work. When you finish it, contact your manager and ask for a meeting.  

You want to discuss your resignation in person with your manager. Be honest about why you can’t or won’t give them a two-week notice, whether due to health issues, personal circumstances, or another pressing issue.

Give them your resignation letter during the meeting and let them know you are thankful for the opportunity. Apologize for any inconvenience your leaving without notice may cause and for the short notice. 

Offer to Help with the Transition as Much as You Can

Even though you don’t give a two-week notice, offer to help the transition process move along as much as possible before leaving. This may mean you start training your replacement, reassign your tasks to coworkers, or create a document with essential information for whoever takes your spot. 

Complete any tasks to the best of your ability, put away creamers or perishable items like usual, and stay positive while you work. This can help minimize your sudden departure to the store. Before you leave:

  • Organize your work area.
  • Return any company-owned items.
  • Make sure you hand over any ongoing projects or tasks to your coworkers.

End by saying your goodbyes and leave on a positive note. 

Can You Return to Working at Starbucks After Quitting?

If you want to work at Starbucks again a few months or years down the road, you can apply on the company website the usual way. But, generally speaking, it’ll help your application if you left your previous Starbucks job on good terms with your manager and were in good standing overall. 

Good standing means giving your manager two weeks’ notice before leaving and working every day you were on schedule through those last two weeks. 

Extra Tips for Quitting Your Job

Quitting your job can be a big step in your life, so doing it professionally and courteously is essential. Here are some specific tips to help you get through the process as efficiently as possible:

Think About Why You’re Quitting

Take a few days or a week and consider why you want to quit Starbucks. Make sure your decision aligns with your long-term career goals and is well thought out. Your decision should also be favorable for your well-being. 

Be Strategic

When you meet with your boss and for your final days at Starbucks, be mindful and tactful in how you talk. You want to be honest about why you’re leaving while staying professional.

Avoid criticizing your coworkers, the processes or products, or Starbucks itself, and focus more on the positive aspects of your time here. For example, it’s a good idea to express your gratitude for all the opportunities and skills you learned.  

Review the Employment Contract

Double-check your employment contract to see any requirements or clauses related to quitting. For example, your contract may specify a notice period, non-compete agreements, or other obligations you must meet before leaving. If you don’t have a copy, your supervisor can get yours. 

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