Are Workers “Too Busy” For Coffee? New Study Reveals the Truth

people drinking coffee at work cartoon

Ever feel like you’re too busy for coffee at work?

You’re not alone.

A new study by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) found that nearly one-third of European workers skip their coffee break.


They say they’re too busy.

But here’s the kicker:

This “productivity hack” might be doing more harm than good.

Let’s dive in.

The Coffee-Productivity Connection

Here’s a fact:

Coffee and productivity go hand in hand.

Don’t believe me?

Check this out:

  • Coffee promotes creativity
  • It boosts concentration
  • It can even prevent workplace accidents

Plus, coffee breaks are linked to better morale and collaboration.

So why are workers skipping out?

The ISIC Study: Key Findings

The ISIC study revealed some interesting patterns:

  1. 68% of respondents drink coffee during the workday
  2. Coffee consumption peaks in the morning
  3. There’s a slight rise at lunchtime (1-3pm)
  4. It drops off in the afternoon

But here’s the surprising part:

29% of workers said they were too busy for coffee.

Why Do People Drink Coffee at Work?

The study found three main reasons:

  1. Taste (56%)
  2. Taking a break (40%)
  3. Feeling more alert or less tired (29% each)

But here’s the real kicker:

43% said coffee improved their productivity more than any other drink.

And get this:

63% said short breaks were most likely to boost their productivity.

The Danger of Skipping Breaks

Now, here’s where it gets serious:

11% of respondents never take a short break at work.

Think about that.

These people are:

  • Risking their health
  • Increasing chances of burnout
  • Potentially lowering company productivity

Dr. James Chandler, a policy analyst at the Work Foundation, says:

“The fact that nearly a third of those surveyed cannot find time for a short break could indicate that they have little job control, placing them under stress.”

The Bottom Line

Here’s the truth:

Being “too busy” for coffee might be hurting your productivity, not helping it.

So, what’s the solution?


  • Take regular coffee breaks
  • Use this time to recharge
  • Boost your productivity in the long run


A well-timed coffee break could be the key to unlocking your productivity potential.

Now, I’m curious:

How do YOU balance coffee breaks and productivity at work?

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