cartoon coffee beans

How to Control Coffee Grind Size

The grind size of your coffee beans can significantly influence the flavor, aroma, and overall experience of your brew.

The infographic below shows you how to control coffee grind size and match it with the appropriate brewing method.

What Size to Grind Coffee

coffee grind size infographic

The infographic above was created by I Love Coffee

The 6 Coffee Grind Sizes & When to Use Them

  1. Coarse Grind
    • Description: Very chunky, resembling sea salt.
    • Best For: French Press, Cold Brew
    • Why: The large particles allow for a slower extraction, which is ideal for the immersion method used in French presses and cold brew.
  2. Medium-Coarse Grind
    • Description: Less chunky than coarse grind, similar to rough sand.
    • Best For: Chemex
    • Why: This grind size strikes a balance, allowing for a slower drip while preventing over-extraction.
  3. Medium Grind
    • Description: Like kosher salt, with a consistency that is not too fine or too coarse.
    • Best For: Drip Coffee Makers, Machine Drip
    • Why: Medium grind is versatile and works well with drip coffee makers, to get a balanced extraction.
  4. Medium-Fine Grind
    • Description: Between kosher salt and table salt in texture.
    • Best For: Siphon Brewers
    • Why: This grind size allows for a controlled extraction process
  5. Fine Grind
    • Description: Like table salt, with a smooth and uniform texture.
    • Best For: Aeropress, Espresso
    • Why: Fine grind is perfect for quick extraction methods like espresso, where water is forced through the grounds at high pressure.
  6. Turkish Grind
    • Description: Like powdered sugar, extremely fine.
    • Best For: Turkish Coffee
    • Why: The powdery consistency is necessary for Turkish coffee, which is brewed unfiltered, allowing the grounds to settle at the bottom.

3 Tips for Controlling Grind Size

  1. Invest in a Quality Grinder: Burr grinders are preferred over blade grinders as they provide a more consistent grind size.
  2. Adjust Based on Taste: If your coffee tastes too bitter, try a coarser grind. If it tastes too weak or sour, try a finer grind.
  3. Experiment with Different Methods: Different brewing methods highlight various aspects of the coffee’s flavor profile. Try some exprimentation to find your preferred method.

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